Iliotibial band friction syndrome:
"Iliotibial band friction syndrome, also known as 'runner's knee', is definitely the most common running-related injury," says Andreas B Imhoff, a professor at Munich Technical University's sports orthopaedics department. Its main symptom is lateral knee pain due to inflammation of the end portion of the connective tissue between the thigh and kneecap. "Runner's knee is caused by incorrect strain, primarily when the runner has bowlegs," Imhoff says.
Overpronation, in which the feet roll inward too much, can also play a role, adds Holger Schmitt, president of Germany's Society for Orthopaedic Traumatologic Sports Medicine (GOTS). There are other risk factors as well.
"On sloping forest paths, for example, unsymmetrical strain is put on the legs," Schmitt says. Runner's knee quickly goes away when the runner changes the contact surface of the feet, such as with insoles, Imhoff says.
Patellar tendinitis:
This injury affects the tendon connecting the patella, or kneecap, to the shinbone. It occurs when too much stress is placed on the tendon. "Then, the knee swells beneath the kneecap and can become inflamed," Imhoff explains. To help prevent it, runners should do plenty of stretching exercises to loosen the leg muscles.
Shin splints:
The lower third of the tibia, or shinbone, is the source of pain. This is where the flexor tendons of the lower leg meet and where many muscles are attached.
"The pain is usually felt at the beginning of a run," Schmitt says.
"Later, because of increased blood circulation, it often subsides." He adds, however, that the pain can quickly return after a run.
The main cause of shin splints is running downhill incorrectly. "A lot of joggers make the mistake of being too relaxed when running downhill since they have the feeling it's easy," Schmitt says. He points out that it's important to tense the leg muscles before the feet strike the ground.
"Otherwise the shinbone gets a jolt." Strengthening the lower-leg muscles can help prevent shin splints.
Achilles tendonitis:
The irritation can have various causes. Inflammation usually occurs when joggers abruptly increase the distance of their runs. Swelling of the tendon is clearly visible. It is important to ice the area immediately after running. "For longer lasting relief, the tendon has to be rested, so stop running for a while," Imhoff says.
Many doctors treat the pain with cortisone injections, says Joerg Valentin in Spiridon, a German runners' magazine. "This is categorically wrong because cortisone can weaken the tendon structure and precipitate a rupture," Valentin says.
Refraining from running altogether is not necessary, though. Valentin recommends leisurely jogs using a slightly raised heel pad. Frequently changing running surfaces and shoes are the best preventative measures.
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