NASA wanted a massively multiplayer online game(MMO),called "Astronaut: Moon, Mars and Beyond." This game,which will ship next year.It was Virtual Heroes work on another Unreal Engine 3 game, America's Army , that opened the door for Astronaut: Moon, Mars and Beyond .
"Players will pick a profession like a roboticist, space geologist, astrobiologist or mechanical engineer and work together as a team as they explore space and complete missions, establishing bases and outposts and traveling to the farthest reaches of the solar system," explained Jerry Heneghan, founder and CEO of Virtual Heroes, which has previously worked on the US Department of Defense's "America's Army" videogame."The game will offer both individual challenges and team-based objectives to encourage players to use real-life applications of science, math and engineering to unlock new in-game vehicles, spacesuits, robotics and mining apparatus that will propel them further into space."
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