In Your Fridge, How Long Is Cooked Chicken Good For?

发帖者 ADuu | 1/16/2019 11:07:00 PM | 0 评论 »

Today, I read a interesting news about cooked chicken on"YAHOO": "Once you've got your chicken, make sure you get it home as soon as possible. Then, either eat it or refrigerate it within two hours. If you decide to store it, removing the meat from the bones can help it cool more quickly. Read up on these 14 foods you had no idea could give you food poisoning.

Not going to be able to eat your chicken within three to four days either? Freeze it. That gives you an additional two to six months to eat it, Brissette says. Then when you reheat the chicken, make sure it reaches an internal temperature of 165˚F before eating. Now that you know how long cooked chicken is good for, find out exactly how long these other types of meat last in the fridge."

I think it may only be enough for me to eat once ;)))

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